Demineralised Waters - all grades

We manufacture a range of pure waters for use in almost every application. Also known as Deionised Water the two names refer to the same type of high quality water. Distilled Water is different in so far as it is made by a different process (distillation), but is also a type of high purity water. Contact our technical dept if you need advice about which water is best suited to your particular application.

Demineralised Water

aka De-ionised water

A high quality purified water made using the reverse osmosis filtration system. Ideal for topping up batteries, or use in equipment that cannot use hard water. Guaranteed to have less than 20 ppm TDS (total dissolved solids). Prices get cheaper a...

High Purity Demineralised Water

High purity water for industrial equipment

A high quality water with very low level of dissolved solids (less than 5 ppm) for applications in industrial equipment. For example cooling systems on generators, chillers and specialised motors where the machine manufacturer specifies a high pu...

Ultra High Purity Demineralised Water

Purity of less than 1 ppm TDS

An extra filtration process purifies this water to the highest purity possible using reverse osmosis. We guarantee that this products contains less than 1 ppm TDS (total dissolved solids), and typically the purity is 0.5 ppm or less. For use in ...

Distilled Water

Ultra pure water for laboratory use.

A very pure water made by the distillation process. Check carefully if you really need this product - it is much more expensive than normal demin water grades, and seldom justifiable.


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