Privacy Policy

British Chemical Products recognizes the importance of protecting your personal information, and of providing you with a secure website for your transactions.

The revised GDPR regulations require us to ensure we have adequate controls on your personal information.

In order to supply you we must obtain certain personal information about you to set up and service your account, keep you updated with new products, health and safety information, and provide after sales service. This includes your name, address, phone number(s), email address(es), and information about products you have expressed an interest in, or products you have bought. We do not hold any information about your bank / credit card accounts.

You have our assurance that we are totally committed to safeguarding your privacy online. We only keep and use the personal information you have voluntarily supplied us to help us service your account, to improve our services to you, and to inform you about additional products or services that may be of interest to you.

Existing customers – please let us know if you want us to hold any information about you. If we do not hear from you, we will retain your records. If you want us to retain the data we hold about you, do nothing. If you want us to delete any or all information about you, please let us know.

New customers – by ordering products on our website, or by phone, or in person, you agree for us to hold normal information about you as relates only to the information we need as a minimum to deal with you effectively. At any time you can ask us to delete some or all information we hold about you.

All customers – at any time you can ask us to tell you what information we hold about you, and you can instruct us to remove some or all of that information.

We will not contact you for marketing purposes, or promote new services to you unless you specifically agree to be contacted for these purposes.

We will never sell or give your personal information to any third parties, and we will ensure our security is good enough to guarantee information does not become available to any authorised or unauthorised third parties. We do, however, share selected information as part of normal business operations, and as part of normal regulatory purposes required by our bank and credit card processing and verification services.

We protect your account information in a highly secure portion of our website. For your protection, never share your login information with anyone.

When you access our site, your login name, password, credit card number, and credit card deposits and withdrawal requests are secured via server authentication and data encryption.

As an additional security precaution, we do not hold any information about your credit card number on our website – all payment information is only seen by Paypal.